Human papillomavirus, how to cure?

If a dermatologist has identified a human papillomavirus virus in a patient, he or she will tell you how to cure and give detailed recommendations.

But some naive people try to get rid of external manifestations on their own. Folk recipes can and do help, but in some cases, delays with qualified help can lead to the development of cancer. And why it happened, now we will find out.

What is this disease

Human papillomavirus or HPV is the collective name for 100 viruses that provoke the appearance of various formations on human skin or mucous membranes. All these strains are divided into three groups:

  1. Not oncogenic. Viruses belonging to this group cause the appearance of very benign formations. They are safe for human life and do not cause discomfort. This is if they are not in a place where they are often injured.
  2. Low oncogenic. If papillomas appear in the body due to the development of viruses of this group, then they must be closely monitored. In some cases, its formation can degenerate into malignant. Doctors recommend removing such growths so as not to endanger health. Rebirth can begin if treatment is performed by an unqualified specialist or the growth is injured in any way.
  3. Oncogenic. A large number of formations that appear under the influence of this group of viruses cause the development of cancer. This is especially true for women's health. Human papillomavirus in women can cause cervical cancer if treatment is not started on time. But men also often suffer from this virus. They provoke penile cancer.

HPV is also dangerous because there are often no symptoms that the virus is already alive in the body. In the early stages of education, they are so small that only a dermatologist, gynecologist or urologist can recognize them.

And here the question arises, is it possible to cure papillomavirus virus once it has settled in the body? With this problem, you just need to contact the doctor, he will help solve it.


Everyone facing such a problem asks the same question - is it possible to recover from the human papillomavirus virus? There is still no cure for papilloma forever, and it seems that HPV is incurable. But this does not mean that treatment is not needed. Doctors know how to help a person's immune system defeat the papillomavirus.

For this, special drugs and methods of destruction are prescribed to help get rid of external manifestations. How to beat a virus if there is no cure?

Drugs reduce viral activity, and the immune system has suppressed the infection. If the body's defenses are significantly reduced, then the doctor will also add immunomodulatory drugs, as well as vitamin complexes. The result will depend on how strong a person's immunity is.

Patients often ask if HPV can only be treated with medication? Very rarely does its growth disappear after medications, but this only happens when the disease is in its early stages and a person’s immunity is very strong. In other cases, the disease should be overcome with the help of destructive methods.

Removal of external manifestations, i. e. the papilloma itself, is performed using:

Electrocoagulation - a method of removing papillomas
  • Skalpel.This method is a bit outdated, but it still helps to get rid of large formations. This is also quite effective in cases where other methods cannot be applied. Prior to the removal of human papillomavirus in this way, general anesthesia is usually performed, and all activities are performed in the operating room.
  • Liquid nitrogen. This method is also called cryodestruction. How to get rid of papillomavirus this way? Liquid nitrogen has a very low temperature; when exposed to papillomas, they freeze and fall off after a while. If a large lesion needs to be removed, the scar may remain after the procedure.
  • Electrocoagulator. Formation is affected by high or low frequency currents. In this case, the papilloma is destroyed from within and after a few seconds disappears.
  • Radio Knife. Here, radio wave radiation acts on education, which is also capable of curing papillomas.
  • Laser. This is the most commonly used method. But is it possible to get rid of growth this way? If the formation is small, then one procedure will be enough to completely remove the external defect. But if there is more papilloma, then your doctor or beautician will advise you to repeat it again.

But before getting rid of the papillomavirus virus, you need to do some research.

Examination of patients with HPV

Research and Diagnostics

Before starting diagnostics and laboratory and hardware studies, the doctor must examine the patient thoroughly, determining how badly the skin and mucous membranes are affected.

The oral cavity is also examined. Papilloma in the mouth is not uncommon. For women, an examination by a gynecologist should be performed to examine the mucous membranes of the genitals. Also, you still need to do:

  • Cytological research. Cancer cells can be found in the early stages of degeneration.
  • Determination of viral DNA. Helps determine the group of viruses that cause the appearance of papilloma.
  • Histological examination. To do this, take a little education.
  • Urethral examination. Allows you to detect papilloma in the bladder.

The results of all studies will determine the answer to the question of whether it is possible to cure papilloma virus in this patient.

Traditional medicine

The most frequently asked question is how to recover from human papillomavirus virus using traditional medicine advice? The doctor firmly replied that before self-treatment, it is very important to be examined. If during the diagnosis of oncogenic or low oncogenic strains are not identified, then you can try to defeat the human papillomavirus using the "grandmother method".

But if the results confirm the worst fears, then there is no need to experiment. Often, the use of such therapies only exacerbates the condition. One turns to a doctor even if degeneration has begun or the papilloma has become a malignant tumor. Sometimes patients do not get an appointment with a doctor anymore and die due to oncology.

Treatment of papilloma with garlic compress

However, let's analyze some recipes

  • Some people think that it is possible to cure human papillomavirus virus using garlic. Moreover, it is used for compresses and inside. Garlic cloves can be sliced ​​or passed through a press machine. Apply for two hours exclusively to the papilloma, without entering healthy skin areas. Then the compress is removed and washed off with warm water. Do not leave the garlic overnight. This can cause burns, papillomas and healthy skin areas. Such accumulation damage can provoke its deterioration.
  • On the Internet you can find many reviews on how people get rid of papilloma with the help of laundry or tar soap. But you have to be careful with this tool. It is important to choose the right soap. It must be a bar made of natural raw materials, without fragrances, bleaches or preservatives. A previous soap or liquid soap solution with the addition of a decoction of medicinal ingredients is applied to the formation in a dense layer. Such compresses are left overnight and treatment is continued until the accumulation is lost. It is strictly forbidden to use laundry soap for the treatment of papilloma on the mucous membranes of the genital organs in women. Such waxes will completely destroy the microflora and can cause burns.
  • Celandine. The ingredients of this medicine are used in its pure form, or more precisely its juice. They are only tainted with education. Decoction, oil made from celandine. The lotion is made from broth, sometimes taken orally to enhance immunity. If there are people in the family who have died due to oncology, then you should immediately see a doctor with any form on the skin, and do not wait for fatal results.


It is not enough just to get rid of external manifestations and undergo medical treatment. To prevent relapse, you should follow your lifestyle and diet. If the food is full, and the load and rest are the same, then the question of whether it is possible to get rid of papilloma forever can be answered as follows. Very possible if someone:

  1. Get rid of bad habits (alcohol, nicotine, overeating, drugs) once and for all.
  2. Monitor health and cure new diseases in a timely manner.
  3. Choosing a sport.
  4. Avoid stressful situations.
  5. But it is also important not to get the virus from others anymore. This can be avoided by keeping you clean and taking a more responsible attitude towards sex.

It is very important to recover from HPV. If you do not get rid of it, then you can infect your loved ones.